Cookies Policy Notification Bar v3.3.6 released

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A new version of Cookies Policy Notification Bar - Joomla! plugin has been released.

+ Added   ! Removed   ^ Changed   # Fixed

09-May-2018 : v3.3.6 + NEW PARAMETER: Allow Session Cookies. Delete only the Persistent cookies and avoid Session Cookies (This option avoid admins to logged out of Joomla Administrator). + The View/Delete Acceptance Logs has been improved and you can now see the logs asynchronously without refreshing the entire browser tab. # BUG Fixed: There were some javascript issues (auto redirection every second) with Android devices and older versions of iPhone [Thank you, Gianluca Pantaleo] # BUG Fixed: Logs are not stored in websites with older versions of PHP. # Minor bug fixes and code improvements. ! A method has been added to delete some unneeded old files which are not needed anymore. 1) \plugins\system\cookiespolicynotificationbar\assets\js\custom-xx-XX.js and 2) \plugins\system\cookiespolicynotificationbar\assets\css\custom.css ^ The Danish (da-DK) translation has been updated. New strings have been added [Thank you, Thomas] ^ The Italian (it-IT) translation has been updated. New strings have been added [Thank you, Alberto] (view the full changelog)
Cookies Policy Notification Bar - Joomla! plugin