Cookies Policy Notification Bar v3.4.4 released

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A new version of Cookies Policy Notification Bar - Joomla! plugin has been released.

+ Added   ! Removed   ^ Changed   # Fixed

27-Jun-2018 : v3.4.4 + [New Styling Feature] A new parameter has been added (The notification bar covers the body of the page, in the Styling options). Choose if you want to allow the notification bar cover or not the body of the page. + [Improvement] Display the cookies info table (by the shortcode) even if there is only one cookie. # [Bug Fixed] Some caching issues have been resolved. # [Bug Fixed] The submenu items of some templates are not displayed properly. # [Bug Fixed] Could not save the plugin settings. Error: 500 String could not be parsed as XML. (view the full changelog)
Cookies Policy Notification Bar - Joomla! plugin