Monthly Archive v3.5.0 released

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A new version of Monthly Archive - Joomla! component and module has been released.

+ Added   ! Removed   ^ Changed   # Fixed

15-May-2015 : v3.5.0 + 7 New Useful Parameters have been added (show_year, show_month, count_of_articles_beside_year, include_years, include_months, exclude_years, exclude_months). + New Parameter added: Show or Hide Months or Years from the list. + New Parameter added: Show or Hide the count of articles, beside each Month or Year, from the list. + New Parameter added: Include/Exclude specific Years and Months. + New Feature added in Component: Nice jQuery Accordion effect for the Years (expand/collapse). ^ Languge files have been edited. ! File removed: "/modules/mod_monthlyarchive/tmpl/accordion.php" ! File removed: "/modules/mod_monthlyarchive/assets/ma_output.php" ^ File renamed: from "/mod_monthlyarchive/assets/style.css" to "/mod_monthlyarchive/assets/mod_monthlyarchive.css" ^ Italian Language file: "Month" in italian is "Mese" not "Messe" + If you choose the menu item type "Specific Month-Year", you can display articles from all year instead of one month of the year. # MODULE - Bug fixed: Copyright text must be outside of . (view the full changelog)
Monthly Archive - Joomla! component and module