Monthly Archive v3.6.0 released

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A new version of Monthly Archive - Joomla! component and module has been released.

+ Added   ! Removed   ^ Changed   # Fixed

23-Nov-2015 : v3.6.0 + NEW PARAMETER: SEO: Robots. You can block Monthly Archive component from Search Engines. + NEW PARAMETER: SEO: Follow Links. You can tell search engines to follow or not follow the links ( # BUG FIXED: 1146 Table '#__k2_categories' doesn't exist. # BUG FIXED: Error loading component: com_k2, Component not found. # BUG FIXED: The "Use Global" option has not set for the menu item parameter fields: "Include Category Type" and "Exclude Category Type". # Bug Fixed: Element: k2categories.php. Check if K2 is installed and then if is enabled. Error Message: "ComponentError loading component: com_k2, Component not found. ^ The plugin is enabled automatically, instead of displaying the message: "Error - The 'Monthly Archive' plugin is required for this extension and must be active." ^ Default settings have been set. No errors anymore from the first installation, about MySql Error 1146, K2 is missing, JComments is not installed etc. ^ The (copyright) footer is shorter now. Changed from "Powered by Monthly Archive PRO (by Web357)" to "Powered by Monthly Archive". ^ The module has the same parameters as the component. + The parameters "Include Categories Type" and "Exclude Categories Type" are also available for the Module. With this parameter you can include the parent category and its subcategories, without select all subcategories. (view the full changelog)
Monthly Archive - Joomla! component and module