Monthly Archive v4.4.1 released

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A new version of Monthly Archive - Joomla! component and module has been released.

+ Added   ! Removed   ^ Changed   # Fixed

10-Sep-2018 : v4.4.1 + [New Module Feature] In the module settings, you can choose to display a select box with Months and Years. + [New Parameter] Show Unauthorised Links. If set to Yes, links to registered content will be shown even if you are not logged-in. You will need to log in to access the full item. [Thank you, Joe] + [New Parameter] You can choose your own blank image for the articles that not have any image. [Thank you, Bianka Craanen] # [Bug Fixed in K2] Even if the option "Hide Trashed Items" is disabled, the trashed items are displayed in the list of K2 items. [Thank you, Alberto] ^ [CSS Improvement] In the extension parameters, the class "btn-group-yesno", replaced with "btn-group btn-group". (view the full changelog)
Monthly Archive - Joomla! component and module