Support Hours v1.5.1 released

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A new version of Support Hours - Joomla! module has been released.

+ Added   ! Removed   ^ Changed   # Fixed

18-Jan-2019 : v1.5.1 + [Improvement] Increase holidays from 3 to 10 [Thank you, Eric vanbok] # [Bug Fixed] PHP Notice: A non-well formed numeric value encountered in "\mod_supporthours\helper.php on line 96" - modal behavior # [Styling Improvement] The style of the "Opening hour" and the "Closing hour" parameter fields has been fixed in the module parameters. ^ [Improvement] To avoid conflicts with 3rd party plugins, load the modal behavior {JHtml::_('behavior.modal');} as a hidden field, instead globally in the web357 framework. # [Bug Fixed] The screenshots are now displayed in a modal window, instead of a new tab in your browser. (view the full changelog)
Support Hours - Joomla! module