Web357 Framework v1.7.3 released

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A new version of Web357 Framework - Joomla! plugin has been released.

+ Added   ! Removed   ^ Changed   # Fixed

15-Jan-2019 : v1.7.3 # [Bug Fixed] A conflict issue with the 3rd party extension "Podcast Manager" has been resolved. [Many thanks to Carlos Cámara] # [Bug Fixed] Error Code: 0. SSL: no alternative certificate subject name matches the target hostname 'cdn.web357.com'. The file: https://cdn.web357.com/web357-releases.json does not exist. The method to take the latest version has been changed. Now we use the Web357 API, instead of downloading the JSON file with all extensions data each time. [Thank you, Claudia Schmid] ! [Removed] The modal behavior JHtml::_('behavior.modal'); has been removed at the backend. (view the full changelog)
Web357 Framework - Joomla! plugin