Monthly Archive v4.0.9 released

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A new version of Monthly Archive - Joomla! component and module has been released.

+ Added   ! Removed   ^ Changed   # Fixed

08-May-2017 : v4.0.9 # BUG Fixed: jQuery conflicts have been resolved (e.g. the back button is not worked). [Thank you, Wim Hanssen]. (view the full changelog)
Monthly Archive - Joomla! component and module

Cookies Policy Notification Bar v3.1.3 released

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A new version of Cookies Policy Notification Bar - Joomla! plugin has been released.

+ Added   ! Removed   ^ Changed   # Fixed

07-May-2017 : v3.1.3 # Bug Fixed: In PHP Version 7.0.14 there are some errors in plugin parameters at Joomla! backend, on detecting correctly the active languages of the website. [Many thanks to Arkin Oksuzoglu] # Minor bug fixes. (view the full changelog)
Cookies Policy Notification Bar - Joomla! plugin

Monthly Archive v4.0.8 released

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A new version of Monthly Archive - Joomla! component and module has been released.

+ Added   ! Removed   ^ Changed   # Fixed

07-May-2017 : v4.0.8 # The "de-DE" language file has been updated. [Many thanks to Albert Spanninger] (view the full changelog)
Monthly Archive - Joomla! component and module

Web357 Framework v1.4.2 released

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A new version of Web357 Framework - Joomla! plugin has been released.

+ Added   ! Removed   ^ Changed   # Fixed

06-May-2017 : v1.4.2 # BUG Fixed: The k2categories element has been improved to avoid errors in PHP7+ (view the full changelog)
Web357 Framework - Joomla! plugin

Monthly Archive v4.0.7 released

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A new version of Monthly Archive - Joomla! component and module has been released.

+ Added   ! Removed   ^ Changed   # Fixed

06-May-2017 : v4.0.7 # BUG Fixed: First check if K2 exists to avoid errors in the component configuration. [Thank you, Robert Gilbey]. (view the full changelog)
Monthly Archive - Joomla! component and module

Monthly Archive v4.0.6 released

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A new version of Monthly Archive - Joomla! component and module has been released.

+ Added   ! Removed   ^ Changed   # Fixed

05-May-2017 : v4.0.6 ^ The 'Include/Exclude Authors' and the 'Include/Exclude Categories' parameter fields for K2 have been changed, and you are able to choose from the list instead of entering the IDs of each item separated by a comma. [Thank you, Alan Smith] ^ The language files ca-ES, da-DK, de-DE, el-GR, en-GB, es-ES, fr-FR, it-IT, nl-NL, have been updated for the component and module. # Bug Fixed: Some issues with pagination have been resolved. # Bug Fixed: Some CSS bugs in the menu navigation, in some templates which using and older version of UIkit, like the 'Bento' theme of Yootheme, have been resolved. [Thank you, Wim Hanssen]. # Minor bug fixes. (view the full changelog)
Monthly Archive - Joomla! component and module

Cookies Policy Notification Bar v3.1.2 released

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A new version of Cookies Policy Notification Bar - Joomla! plugin has been released.

+ Added   ! Removed   ^ Changed   # Fixed

05-May-2017 : v3.1.2 # BUG Fixed: After upgrading to the version 3.1.1 the text strings and other parameters data are not displayed properly, unless if the admin save again the plugin parameters. [Thank you, Thanos] (view the full changelog)
Cookies Policy Notification Bar - Joomla! plugin

Cookies Policy Notification Bar v3.1.1 released

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A new version of Cookies Policy Notification Bar - Joomla! plugin has been released.

+ Added   ! Removed   ^ Changed   # Fixed

04-May-2017 : v3.1.1 # BUG Fixed: If the block cookies parameter was enabled, there were some issues with login authentication at the Joomla! backend. # BUG Fixed: The text strings for single language websites, do not change. # Bug Fixed: If the 'Block Cookies' parameter enabled, after clicking on the confirm button to accept the cookies policy the page is reloaded but the javascript code (e.g. google ads) is not displayed. [Thank you, Frank] # The 'remove cookies' parameter for debuggers, has been improved to allow clearing browser cookies for the specific cookie names. # Minor bug fixes. (view the full changelog)
Cookies Policy Notification Bar - Joomla! plugin

Cookies Policy Notification Bar v3.1.0 released

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A new version of Cookies Policy Notification Bar - Joomla! plugin has been released.

+ Added   ! Removed   ^ Changed   # Fixed

03-May-2017 : v3.1.0 ^ The Block Cookies functionality has been improved and many issues have been resolved. + A very useful helper guide to help you understand how to block cookies, has been added inside the plugin parameters, under the Block Cookies parameter. + A new parameter has been added to display a message to the user if there are blocked cookies. By enabling this option a notification message will be displayed at the frontend, on each position of the blocked script. * You can change the text of the notification message from the language overrides in Joomla! backend. ! Some parameter fields about blocking cookies have been removed because this functionality has been changed. # General Bug fixes. # Minor CSS issues have been resolved. (view the full changelog)
Cookies Policy Notification Bar - Joomla! plugin

Monthly Archive v4.0.5 released

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A new version of Monthly Archive - Joomla! component and module has been released.

+ Added   ! Removed   ^ Changed   # Fixed

01-May-2017 : v4.0.5 # Bug Fixed: Some parameter fields at backend are not displayed correctly in version Joomla! 3.7. + New Feature: A new parameter field has been added. The "Link Type" parameter allow you to choose if you want to have links or modal dialogs. [Thank you, Eddie] (view the full changelog)
Monthly Archive - Joomla! component and module