Cookies Policy Notification Bar v4.1.0 released

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A new version of Cookies Policy Notification Bar - Joomla! plugin has been released.

+ Added   ! Removed   ^ Changed   # Fixed

06-Oct-2021 : v4.1.0 + [New Component] A new component has been created, the "Cookies Policy Notification Bar" where you can watch the users' consent (stored acceptance/declined logs), instead inside the plugin settings with a modal window. + [New Feature] You can now choose a fontawesome, or a uikit icon, instead of an image in the "Cookies Manager Icon" parameter field. Navigate to the plugin settings and then Advanced Settings > Cookies Manager (Modal Window) > Icon type > Choose the "Fontawesome icon" or the "Uikit Icon". Screenshot: # [Bug Fixed] Data too long for column 'ip_address' at row 1. We have increased the varchar of ip_address column to allow the storing of IPv6 addresses (e.g. 2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334). [Many thanks to Raoul Alderse Baas] # [Bug Fixed] The plugin stills request loading of "close-icon-20x20.png" even if icon type is selected as fontawesome, it should be avoided to save the now unuseful image. # [Bug Fixed] The users' consent didn't stored into the database properly, if the include/exclude page(s) parameter was used. # [Improvement] Do not load external resource since many websites already loads fontawesome (often from a local or a CDN copy). # [Improvement] The class name "fas" has been removed from the fontawesome icon and should be added in the parameter field. So now you have to enter "fas fa-cookie-bite", or "fad fa-cookie-bite", instead of only "fa-cookie-bite". # [Styling Improvement] In Joomla! 4, there is no button to create a custom cookie category in plugin settings. The CSS has been fixed to display the add/edit/remove buttons in the full width of window instead using horizontal scrollbar. [Thank you, Eugene Sivokon] # [Styling Improvement] In the cookies manager (modal window), the left toggle menu icon (base64 image/png) has been replaced with plain CSS code. ! Some unnecessary files from the old days of jQuery, have been deleted. (/assets/icons/cpnb-cookies-manager-icon-1-64x64.png, /assets/css/cpnb-jq-style.css, /assets/css/cpnb-jq-style.min.css, /assets/js/jquery-1.8.3.min.js, /assets/js/jquery.cookie.js, /assets/js/jquery.cookie.min.js, /assets/js/jquery.cookiesdirective.js, /assets/js/jquery.cookiesdirective.min.js) # Minor fixes and improvements (view the full changelog)
Cookies Policy Notification Bar - Joomla! plugin

New Component

A new component has been created, the “Cookies Policy Notification Bar” where you can watch the users’ consent (stored acceptance/declined logs), instead inside the plugin settings with a modal window.

FontAwesome/UIkit icons

Another new feature is that you are able to choose a fontawesome, or a uikit icon, instead of an image in the “Cookies Manager Icon” parameter field. Navigate to the plugin settings and then Advanced Settings > Cookies Manager (Modal Window) > Icon type > Choose the “Fontawesome icon” or the “Uikit Icon”.