Multiple Categories for K2 v1.3.4 released

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A new version of Multiple Categories for K2 has been released.

+ Added   ! Removed   ^ Changed   # Fixed

04-May-2021 : v1.3.4 + [New Feature] Compatible with the Module Sj Responsive Content for K2 (mod_sj_k2_responsive_content) + [New Feature] Compatible with the Module SJ Super Category For K2 (mod_sj_k2_super_category) # [Bug Fixed] The category name of itemlist view is not the main category name, but the last one of the multiple categories. # [Bug Fixed] When an item is translated with Falang and it has been assigned to a 3-level category the translation is missing. [Thank you, Michael Klumm] (view the full changelog)
Multiple Categories for K2